Karfan er tóm.
- Háskólinn
- Starfsfólk
- Inspera
- Nám
- Ferðamáladeild
- Fiskeldis- og fiskalíffræðideild
- Hestafræðideild
- Hagnýtar upplýsingar
- Rannsóknir
- Vefverslun
Karfan er tóm.
Heiti raðar: Vísindi og grautur
Haldið af: Ferðamáladeild Háskólans á Hólum
Fyrirlesari: Antje Neumann, Háskólanum á Akureyri
Tittill erindis: „Protecting Polar Wilderness and Tourism: Two sides of a coin?“
Tími: Miðvikudagin 12. maí kl: 13:00-14:00
Zoom slóð: https://eu01web.zoom.us/j/66901106841
Wilderness is central to the Arctic and the Antarctic and related values are legally protected in both regions – in the Arctic mostly via domestic legislation of the Arctic States and in the Antarctic predominately through the international legal system provided by the Antarctic Treaty and the subsequently adopted instruments. Despite the legal recognition, however, wilderness values are barely considered in practice. This stands in sharp contrast to increasing pressures on Polar wilderness caused, among others, by tourism activities.
This lecture will introduce the different premises and settings of wilderness protection in the Polar regions and discuss some of the major challenges in relation to tourism. Illustrations will be provided on the basis of case studies conducted in Alaska, Lapland and Svalbard.
Antje lives and works in Iceland. She is affiliated with the University of Akureyri where she teaches Polar law. She obtained a master’s degree in this field of law in 2010 and defended her PhD on wilderness protection in Polar regions at the University of Tilburg in the Netherlands in 2019.