Karfan er tóm.
- Háskólinn
- Starfsfólk
- Inspera
- Nám
- Ferðamáladeild
- Fiskeldis- og fiskalíffræðideild
- Hestafræðideild
- Hagnýtar upplýsingar
- Rannsóknir
- Vefverslun
Sveinsdóttir, Á.M., Haraldsdóttir, L. & Ferrante, M. (2025). GPS tracking of land-based visitors and cruise passengers on a remote Arctic Island destination: visitor behaviour and resident perspectives. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 1-23, https://doi.org/10.1080/15022250.2025.2461458
Laufey Haraldsdóttir og Ása Marta Sveinsdóttir (2024). Ábyrg eyjaferðaþjónusta: Sjálfbær uppbygging ferðaþjónustu í Grímsey og Hrísey (rannsóknarskýrsla). Háskólinn a Hólum og Rannsóknarmiðstöð ferðamála. ISBN: 978-9935-505-16-3
Jóhannesson, G.Th., Haraldsdóttir L. & Aquino, J. (2024). Navigating Sustainability: Meaning and Manifestation of Sustainable Coastal Tourism in Northwest Iceland. In Nordic Coastal Tourism: Sustainability, Trends, Practices, and Opportunities (book). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-73187-7_2
Ása Marta Sveinsdóttir og Laufey Haraldsdóttir (2023). Áfangastaðurinn Grímsey. Núverandi staða og framtíðarsýn. Rannsóknarskýrsla. Útgefendur: Ferðamáladeild Háskólans á Hólum og Rannsóknarmiðstöð Ferðamála. ISBN 978-9935-505-08-8
Einarsdóttir, A.V., Þorbergsdóttir, Á. Þ., Sigurðardóttir, S. (2022). Staða málstefnu í stoðkerfi ferðaþjónustunnar. Skiptir hún máli? Rannsóknarskýrslur Ferðamáladeildar Háskólans á Hólum og Stofnunar Árna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum. Útgefandi: Háskólinn á Hólum.
Einarsdóttir, A.V., Þorbergsdóttir, Á. Þ., Sigurðardóttir, S. (2022). Nöfn fyrirtækja í íslenskri ferðaþjónustu. Rannsóknarskýrslur Ferðamáladeildar Háskólans á Hólum og Stofnunar Árna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum. Útgefandi: Háskólinn á Hólum.
Aquino, J. F., and Andereck, K. (2022). Stakeholder Perceptions of Volunteer Tourism Community Impact. In preparation for International Journal of Tourism Cities, special issue, Tourism Cities in Latin America: Issues, trends and innovation in urban tourism. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJTC-05-2022-0116
Chauvat, C., Granquist, S. M., and Aquino, J. (in review). Gender Difference in Biospheric Values and Opinions on Nature Management Actions: The Case of Seal Watching in Iceland. Ocean & Coastal Management.
Helgadóttir G. and Sigurðardóttir I. (2022). Equestrian tourism. In E. Buhalis (ed.). Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing, p. 107–109. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. P. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781800377486.equestrian.tourism.
Sigurðardóttir I. and Steinþórsson, R. S. (2022). Tourism micro-cluster. In E. Buhalis (ed.). Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing, p. 446–449. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781800377486.tourism.micro-cluster
Aquino, J.F., Walter, S. and Sigurðsson, L. P. (2022). Advisory Report: Resisdent Survey 2022. Útgefandi/Publisher: Háskólinn á Hólum. (online ed.) ISBN: 978-9935-9596-7-6 (print ed.)ISBN: 978-9935-9596-6-9
Aquino, J.F. and Andereck, K. L. (2022). Stakeholder perceptions of volunteer tourism community impact. International Journal of Tourism Cities. Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
Einarsdóttir, A.V. and Helgadóttir, G. (2022). Guiding in a nature destination. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism. https://doi.org/10.1080/15022250.2022.2029761
Helgadóttir, G., Renssen, H., Olk, T. R., Oredalen, T. J., Haraldsdóttir, L., Skúlason, S. and Thorarensen, H. Þ. (2021). Wild and Farmed Arctic Charr as a Tourism Product in an Era of Climate Change. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. https://doi.org/10.3389/fsufs.2021.654117
Einarsdóttir, A.V., Þorbergsdóttir, Á. Þ., Sigurðardóttir, S. (2021). Ráðandi tungumál í íslenskri ferðaþjónustu. Rannsóknarskýrslur Ferðamáladeildar Háskólans á Hólum og Stofnunar Árna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum. Útgefandi: Háskólinn á Hólum.
Aquino, J. F., and Burns, G. L. (2021) Creative tourism: The path to a resilient rural Icelandic community, in K. Scherf & G. Edwards (eds.), Creative Tourism and Sustainable Development in Smaller Communities, Calgary: University of Calgary Press.
Dashper, K., Helgadóttir, G. & Sigurðardóttir, I. (2021). Conclusions: Planning and experiencing equestrian events. In K. Dashper, G. Helgadóttir & I. Sigurðardóttir (eds.), Humans, Horses and Events Management, p. 198-210. UK: CABI. DOI:10.1079/9781789242751.0017.
Ásgeirsson, Á. H. (2021). Events management and organization: the execution of Landsmót, Reykjavík 2018. In K. Dashper, G. Helgadóttir & I. Sigurðardóttir (eds), Humans, Horses and Events Management, p. 67-73. UK: CABI Publisher. DOI:10.1079/9781789242751.0005.
Brown, C., McLeod, B. and Erlingsson, Th. (2021). Study abroad Iceland: A hospitality and tourism learning experience. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/10963758.2020.1868313
Dashper, K., Helgadóttir, G. and Sigurðardóttir, I. (eds.) (2021). Humans, Horses and Events Management. UK: CABI Publisher. 9781789242751 (hardback).
Dashper, K., Helgadóttir, G. and Sigurðardóttir, I. (2021). Conclusions: Planning, managing and experiencing equestrian events. In K. Dashper, G. Helgadóttir & I. Sigurðardóttir (eds), Humans, Horses and Events Management, p. 198-210. UK: CABI. DOI:10.1079/9781789242751.0017.
Dashper, K., Helgadóttir, G. and Sigurðardóttir, I. (2021). Introduction: managing and experiencing an equestrian event. In K. Dashper, G. Helgadóttir & I. Sigurðardóttir (eds), Humans, Horses and Events Management, p. 1-15. UK: CABI. DOI:10.1079/9781789242751.0001.
Haraldsdóttir, L. (2021). Skyramisú og Brodd Brulée: Hnattrænir og staðbundnir straumar í ferðamennsku samtímans. In B. Ingvarsdóttir & Ö.D. Jónsson (eds.) Til hnífs og skeiðar. Greinasafn um matarmenningu. Reykjavík: Háskólaútgáfan.
Helgadóttir G. and Sigurðardóttir I. (in press). Equestrian tourism. In E. Buhalis (ed.). Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
Helgadóttir, G & Dashper, K. (in press). Event legacies. In K. Dashper, G. Helgadóttir & I. Sigurðardóttir (eds), Humans, Horses and Events Management, p. 172-183. UK: CABI Publisher.
Helgadóttir, G. (in press). Event communities. In K. Dashper, G. Helgadóttir & I. Sigurðardóttir (eds), Humans, Horses and Events Management, p. 18-17. UK: CABI Publisher. https://doi.org/10.1079/9781789242751.0016
Sigurðardóttir, I. (2021). Community impacts of events: Resident expectations and experiences. In K. Dashper, G. Helgadóttir & I. Sigurðardóttir (eds), Humans, Horses and Events Management, p. 159-171. UK: CABI. DOI:10.1079/9781789242751.0013.
Helgadóttir, G., Renssen, H., Olk, T.R., Oredalen, T.J., Haraldsdóttir, L., Skúlason, S. and Thorarensen, H.Þ. (2021). Wild and farmed Arctic charr as a tourism product in an era of climate change. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, section Agroecology and Ecosystem Services. https://doi.org/10.3389/fsufs.2021.65411
Jæger, K. and Helgadóttir, G. (2021). Volunteering at Landsmót: Gaining knowledge and experience. In K. Dashper, G. Helgadóttir & I. Sigurðardóttir (eds), Humans, Horses and Events Management, p. 99-112. UK: CABI https://doi.org/10.1079/9781789242751.0099
Sigurðardóttir, I. and Pétursdóttir, A. L. (2021). The visitor experience at a horse event. In K. Dashper, G. Helgadóttir & I. Sigurðardóttir (eds), Humans, Horses and Events Management, p. 88-98. UK: CABI. DOI:10.1079/9781789242751.0007.
Sigurðardóttir, I. (in press a). Segmentation, marketing, venue selection and competitiveness of events. In K. Dashper, G. Helgadóttir & I. Sigurðardóttir (eds), Humans, Horses and Events Management, p. 74-87. UK: CABI. https://doi.org/10.1079/9781789242751.0074
Sigurðardóttir, I. (2021). Horse welfare at events. In K. Dashper, G. Helgadóttir & I. Sigurðardóttir (eds), Humans, Horses and Events Management, p. 113-115. UK: CABI. DOI:10.1079/9781789242751.0009.
Sigurðardóttir, I. (in press c). Community, impacts of events: Resident expectations and experiences. In K. Dashper, G. Helgadóttir & I. Sigurðardóttir (eds), Humans, Horses and Events Management, p. 74-87. UK: CABI Publisher. https://doi.org/10.3727/152599501108751452
Aquino, J. F., & Kloes, G. M. H. (2020). Neolocalism, Revitalization, and Rural Tourism Development. In L. J. Ingram, S. L. Slocum, & C. T. Cavaliere (Eds.), Neolocalism and Tourism: Understanding a Global Movement. Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers.
Einarsdóttir, A. V. and Haraldsdóttir, L. (2020). „You always need to consider how it looks in the eyes of the guests“. The work of teenage girls in tourism in Iceland. In A. Walmsley, K., Åberg, P. Blinnikka, G. Th. Jóhannesson (eds. ). Tourism Employment in Nordic Countries. Trends, Practices and Opportunities. Palgrave Macmillan
Einarsdóttir, A. V. (2020). Enskuslettur í ferðaþjónustu. Viðtal á sjónvarpsstöðinni Hringbraut um rannsókn á tungumálum í ferðaþjónustu.
Helgadóttir, G. and Sigurðardóttir, I. (2020). The intangible heritage of Icelandic equestrianism: the experience of domestic horse tourists. Mondes du Tourisme.
Helgadóttir, G., andDashper, K. (2020). 20 years of Nordic rural tourism research: a review and future research agenda. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1080/15022250.2020.1823246
Sigurðardóttir, S. (2020). Gestir meta torfbæi. Rannsóknir um minjaarf III - torfbyggingar. Hólar University. 29 pp.
Sigurðardóttir, S. (2020). Viðhorf til nytja- og minjagildis torfbygginga. Rannsóknir um minjaarf I - torfbyggingar. Hólar University. 109 pp.
Sigurðardóttir, S. (2020). Viðhorf til torfbygginga í ferðaþjónustu. Rannsóknir um minjaarf II. Hólar University. 42 pp.
Aquino, J. F. (2019). Icelandic Culture and Nature. KA1: Youth Exchange. Final Report. Report for Erasmus+. Sauðárkrókur, Iceland: Hólar University. https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.27133.00488
Aquino, J. F. (2019). Being in Nature Together: Photovoice of an Icelandic Youth Nature Club. Finnish Journal of Tourism Research 15, 58-67. https://doi.org/10.33351/mt.88272
Bollason, K. (2019). Gestastofa Snæfellsnes á Breiðabliki – Umhverfisstefna og – stjórnun. Final report SHAPE project.
Bollason, K. (2019). Handbók – vöruþróun í ferðaþjónustu á Snæfellsnesi. Final report SHAPE project.
Bollason, K. (2019). Strandleið. Lokaskýrsla SHAPE verkefnis.
Helgadóttir, G. (2019). Herding livestock and managing people. The cultural sustainability of a harvest festival. In J. Mair. (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Festivals, pp. 335-343. London; New York: Routledge.
Helgadóttir, G., Einarsdóttir, A. V., Burns, G. L., Gunnarsdóttir, G. Þ., and Matthíasdóttir, J. M. E. (2019). Social sustainability of tourism in Iceland: A qualitative inquiry. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 19(4-5), 404-421. https://doi.org/10.1080/15022250.2019.1696699
Kaiser, B., Huijbens, E., Aquino, J. F., Horbel, C., Reigner, N., Maher, P., Menezes, D. R., Turner, J. (2019). Sustainable Tourism Development in the Nordic Arctic: Proceedings and Analysis. London United Kingdom.
Aquino, J. A, Burns, G. L., and Granquist, S. M. (2018). Seal watching in Iceland: Ethical management development. In J. Dehex (Ed.), The 9th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas (MMV9): Place, Recreation, and Local Development (pp. 165–167). Bordeaux, France.
Aquino, J. F. and Andereck, K. (2018). Volunteer tourists’ perceptions of their impacts on marginalized communities. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 26(11), 1967-1983. https://doi.org/10.1080/09669582.2018.1526295
Burns, G. L. and Haraldsdóttir, L. (2018). Hydropower and tourism in Iceland: Visitor and operator perspectives on preferred use of natural areas. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 25, 91-101. c
Helgadóttir, G. and Sigurðardóttir, I. (2018). The riding trail as a geo-tourism attraction: Evidence from Iceland. Geosciences, 8(10), 1-16. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/geosciences8100376
Helgadóttir, G. (2018). Herding livestock and managing people: The cultural sustainability of a harvest festival. In The Routledge Handbook of Festival, pp. 333-343. Routledge.
Sävener, A. and Franzidis, A. (2018). An Autoethnical reflection: Western elitism in late capitalism. In J.M. Rickly & E.S. Vidon (eds.), Authenticity & Tourism: Materialities, Perceptions, Experiences, pp. 237-251. Emerald Publishing Ltd.
Sigurðardóttir, I. and Steinþórsson, R.S. (2018). Development of micro-clusters in tourism: a case of equestrian tourism in northwest Iceland. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 18(3), 261-277. https://doi.org/10.1080/15022250.2018.1497286
Sigurðardóttir, I. and Steinþórsson, R.S. (2018). Klasi og klasaframtak í hestamennsku. Er klasinn klasi? In Klasar. Ársrit um klasa – 2018, p. 12-17. ISBN: 978-9935-463-19-7.
Sigurðardóttir, I. (2018). Wellness and equestrian tourism – New kind of an adventure? Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 18(4), 377-392. https://doi.org/10.1080/15022250.2018.1522718
Ásgeirsson, Á. H. (2017). Landsmót í faðmi fjallanna á Hólum í Hjaltadal. In G. Helgadóttir & I. Sigurðardóttir (eds.), Rannsóknir á Landsmóti hestamanna: Hólar 2016, p. 18-20. Hólar: Hólar University, Department of Rural Tourism.
Chambers, C., Helgadóttir, G., and Carothers, C. (2017). "Little kings": community, change and conflict in Icelandic fisheries. Maritime Studies, 16(1), 10. DOI 10.1186/s40152-017-0064-6
Einarsdóttir, A. V. (2017). Hlutverk leiðsögumanna og framlag þeirra til náttúruverndar. Hólar: Hólar University, Department of Rural Tourism. ISBN: 978-9935-9366-1-5. 35 pp.
Evans, R., Helgadóttir, G. and Sigurðardóttir, I. (2017). Håndbok i hestetourisme. Danmörk: Foreningen FerieRytter. ISBN: 978-87-970109-0-7. 121 pp.
Helgadóttir, G. and Dashper, K. (2017). Kæru erlendu gestir og vinir íslenska hestsins. In G. Helgadóttir & I. Sigurðardóttir (eds.), Rannsóknir á Landsmóti hestamanna: Hólar 2016, p. 13-16. Hólar: Hólar University, Department of Rural Tourism.
Helgadóttir, G. and Sigurðardóttir, I. (ritstj.) (2017). Rannsóknir á Landsmóti hestamanna: Hólar 2016. Hólar: Hólar University, Department of Rural Tourism. ISBN 978-9935-9366-0-8. 64 pp.
Helgadóttir, G. and Sigurðardóttir, I. (2017). Rannsóknir á Landsmóti hestamanna: Helstu niðurstöður. In G. Helgadóttir & I. Sigurðardóttir (eds.), Rannsóknir á Landsmóti hestamanna: Hólar 2016, p. 60-63. Hólar: Hólar University, Department of Rural Tourism.
Helgadóttir, G. and Sigurðardóttir, I. (2017). Rannsóknir á Landsmóti hestamanna – inngangur. In G. Helgadóttir & Sigurðardóttir, I (eds.), Rannsóknir á Landsmóti hestamanna: Hólar 2016, p. 3-8. Hólar: Hólar University, Department of Rural Tourism.
Sigurðardóttir, I. and Pétursdóttir, A.L. (2017). Markaðssetning, markhópar og staðarval. In G. Helgadóttir & I. Sigurðardóttir (eds.), Rannsóknir á Landsmóti hestamanna: Hólar 2016, p. 21-26. Hólar: Hólar University, Department of Rural Tourism.
Sigurðardóttir, I. and Pétursdóttir, A. L. (2017).Upplifun og ánægja gesta á Landsmóti hestamanna 2016. In G. Helgadóttir & I. Sigurðardóttir (eds.), Rannsóknir á Landsmóti hestamanna: Hólar 2016, p. 53-58. Hólar: Hólar University, Department of Rural Tourism.
Sigurðardóttir, I. and Steinþórsson, R. S. (2017). "Hyruspor"-A Cluster Initiative in Northwest of Iceland. Nordic Academy of Management, 24th NFF Conference-Nordic opportunities 23.-25. ágúst. 9 pp.
Sigurðardóttir, I. and Steinþórsson, R. S. (2017). Establishment and downfall of a horse-based cluster initiative in Northwest Iceland. Contemporary Issues in Law, 14(3), 217-230.
Sigurðardóttir, I. (2017). Viðhorf og upplifun heimamanna – LM í Skagafirði 2016. In G. Helgadóttir & I. Sigurðardóttir (eds.), Rannsóknir á Landsmóti hestamanna: Hólar 2016, (bls. 32-36). Hólar: Hólar University, Department of Rural Tourism.
Helgadóttir, G. and Daspher, K. (2016), "Dear international guests and friends of the Icelandic horse": Experience, meaning and belonging at a niche sporting event. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 16(4), 422-441. https://doi.org/10.1080/15022250.2015.1112303
Helgadóttir, G., Einarsdóttir, A. V., Gunnarsdóttir, G. Þ., Matthíasdóttir, J.M.E. and Burns, G.L. (2016). Félagsleg áhrif ferðamennsku og ferðaþjónustu. Reykjavík: Ferðamálastofa. Pp. 130. ISBN: 978-9935-9317-0-2.
Sigurðardóttir, I. (2016a). Stjórnun og rekstur í ferðaþjónustu - afþreying á sjó og vatni. Hólum: Háskólinn á Hólum - Ferðamáladeild. ISBN:978-9979-9991-6-4. 146 pp.
Sigurðardóttir, I. (2016b). Alþjóðleg rannsókn á Landsmóti hestamanna sem viðburði. Íþróttaviðburður og mannfagnaður (An introduction to an international research at Landsmót hestamanna, the national competition of the Icelandic horse), p. 66-68. Eiðfaxi, 11, 2016.
Sigurðardóttir, I. (2016c). Lífstíll verður ferðavara; þróun fyrirtækja í hestamennsku á Íslandi [e. Lifestyle as a tourism product - Development of equestrian businesses in Iceland]. Tímarit um viðskipti og efnahagsmál [Research in applied business and economics], 13(2), 1-16. https://doi.org/10.24122/tve.a.2016.13.2.1
Sigurðardóttir, I. (2016d). Stjórnun og rekstur í ferðaþjónustu – afþreying á sjó og vatni [Managing tourism businesses – water based tourism]. Hólum: Háskólinn á Hólum, Ferðamáladeild. 146p.
Ankre, R. and Nilsson, P. Å. (2015). Remote yet close. In G. Baldcchino (Ed), Archipelago Tourism. Policies och Practices, pp 137-146. London: Ashgate.
Baldacchino, G., Helgadóttir, G. and Mykletun, R.J. (2015). Rural Tourism: Insights from the North Atlantic. Editorial introduction Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 15(1-2), 1-7. https://doi.org/10.1080/15022250.2015.1020124
Burns, G. L. (2015). Animals as tourism objects: Ethically refocusing relationships between tourists and wildlife. In K. Markwell (ed), Animals and Tourism: Understanding Diverse Relationships. Channel View Publications. pp. 44-59. http://www.channelviewpublications.com/display.asp?isb=9781845415037
Burns, G. L. (2015). Ethics in tourism. In C.M. Hall, S. Gossling & D. Scott (eds), The Routledge Handbook of Tourism and Sustainability. Routledge. pp. 117-126. http://www.amazon.com/The-Routledge-Handbook-Tourism-Sustainability/dp/0415662486
Evans, R., Sigurðardóttir, I. and Helgadóttir, G. (2015). A Good Practice Guide to Equine Tourism – Developing Native Breed Equine Tourism in the Nordic Atlantic Region. Noregur: Høgskulen for landbruk og bygdeutvikling.
Helgadóttir, G. (2015). Horse round-ups: Harvest festival and/or tourism magnet. Cheval, Tourisme et Sociétés/Horse, tourism and societies, Mondes du Tourisme, hors série, juin 2015. Frakkland: Parution, pp. 216-223.
Helgadóttir, G. (2015). A book review: Tourism, recreation and regional development, perspectives from France and abroad. e-Review of Tourism Research (eRTR), 12(1-2).
Sigurðardóttir, I. and Helgadóttir, G. (2015). Riding high: quality and customer satisfaction in equestrian tourism in Iceland. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 15(1-2), 105-121. https://doi.org/10.1080/15022250.2015.1015765
Sigurðardóttir, I. and Helgadóttir, G. (2015). The new equine economy of Iceland. In C. Vial and R. Evans (eds.) – The new equine economy in the 21st century. The Netherlands: WageningeAcademic Publishers. Pp 225 - 236. https://doi.org/10.3920/978-90-8686-824-7_19
Sigurðardóttir, I. and Steinþórsson, R.S. (2015). Hestar og þróun klasa: hestatengdur klasi á Norðurlandi vestra. Skrína, 2(1), 1-9.
Sigurðardóttir, I. (2015). Identifying the success criteria of Icelandic horse-based tourism businesses: interviews with operators. Cheval, Tourisme et Sociétés/Horse, tourism and societies, Mondes du Tourisme, hors série, juin 2015. Frakkland: Parution, p 150-160.
Wheeler-Jones, C., Howlett, C., Seini, M. and Burns, G. L. (2015). Media constructions of Aboriginality: Implications for engagement with coal seam gas development in Australia. Australian Geographer. 46(2), 165-181. https://doi.org/10.1080/00049182.2015.1020599
White, D. D., and Aquino, J. F. (2015). Park-Related Tourism. Presented at the 106th Arizona Town Hall, Tucson, Arizona. April 2015. In Spring 2015 Town Hall Background Report: Transportation and Arizona. M. Kuby & Golub (eds.). Tempe, AZ: Arizona State University. http://aztownhall.org/page-1863425
White, D. D. and Aquino, J. F. (2015). Park-Related Tourism. Presented at the 106th Arizona Town Hall, Tucson, Arizona. April 2015. In Spring 2015 Town Hall Background Report: Transportation and Arizona. Kuby, M., and Golub (eds.). Tempe, AZ: Arizona State University. http://aztownhall.org/page-1863425
Aquino, J. F.,and Andereck, K. (2014). The role that volunteer tourism in Favela Communities of Rio de Janeiro play on community pride and self-esteem. Favelas@LSE: A Dialogue Between the UK and Brazil. Retrieved from http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/favelasatlse/2014/08/21/the-psychosocial-impact-of-volunteer-tourism-in-the-favelas-of-rio-de-janeiro/
Burns, G. L. and Paterson, M. (2014). Introduction. In G. L. Burns and M. Paterson (eds.), Engaging with Animals: interpretations of a shared existence. Sydney: Sydney University Press. pp. vii-xii. http://purl.library.usyd.edu.au/sup/9781743320297
Burns, G. L. and Paterson, M. (eds). (2014). Engaging with Animals: interpretations of a shared existence. Sydney: Sydney University Press. http://purl.library.usyd.edu.au/sup/9781743320297
Burns, G. L. (2014). Animals and anthropomorphism in the anthropocene. In G. L. Burns & M. Paterson (eds.), Engaging with Animals: interpretations of a shared existence. Sydney: Sydney University Press. pp 3-20. http://purl.library.usyd.edu.au/sup/9781743320297
Dluzewska, A., Bollason, K., Dluzewski, M. and Fidelus, J. (2014). Nature-based tourism in desert areas: Challenges for tourism education. In C. Aitchison (ed), Education and Outdoor Learning: Adventure, tourism and Sustainable Development, pp. 73-86. LSA Publication No. 122. http://www.amazon.com/Education-Outdoor-Learning-Sustainable-Development/dp/1905369379
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Helgadóttir, G. (2014) Between art and artifact: archaeological replicas and cultural production in Oaxaca, Mexico. Journal of Heritage Tourism, 9(2), 183-184, DOI:10.1080/1743873X.2013.812869
Helgadóttir, G. (2014). Publications in review: Culture and society in tourism contexts. Tourism Social Science Series, 17. edited by Antonio Miguel Nogués-Pedregal. Annals of tourism research. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annals.2013.12.009
Sigurðardóttir, I. (2014). Conducting mixed methods research in equestrian tourism. In: ATLAS annual conference 2014, Tourism Methodologies – New Perspectives, Practices and Procedures. Association for Tourism and Leisure Education and Research, Budapest, pp. 18-21.
Sigurðardóttir, I. (2014). Equestrian tourism as a contributor to wellbeing and happiness. In: ATLAS annual conference 2014, Tourism Travel and Leisure – Sources of Wellbeing, Happiness and Quality of Life. Association for Tourism and Leisure Education and Research, Budapest, pp. 39-43.
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Gunnarsdóttir, G. Þ. (2013). The Entangled Web: Tourism, place and identity [Report]. Akureyri: Rannsóknarmiðstöð ferðamála. Available at http://www.rmf.is/files/pdf/skyrslur/2013/The_Entangled_Web.pdf
Gunnarsdóttir, G. Þ. (2013). Viðhorf og sýn ferðaþjónustuaðila í Húnaþingi vestra (e. Values and Visions of Tourism Entrepreneurs in Húnaþing vestra). [Report]. Holar University Research Report Series 2013-1 - ISSN: ISSN 2298-3880
Healy, S. and Burns, G. L. (2013). Coles are the piggy in the middle of animal welfare confrontation. The Conversation. 13 June 2013. http://theconversation.com/coles-are-the-piggy-in-the-middle-of-animal-welfare-confrontation-15078.
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Nilsson, P. Å. and Granquist, S. (2013). The wild north: Network cooperation for sustainable tourism in a fragile marine environment in the arctic region. In D. K. Müller, L. Lundmark, R. H. Lemelin (eds.), New Issues in Polar Tourism: Communities, Environments, Politics, p. 123-132. Springer Link ISBN 978-94-007-5883-4 http://www.springer.com/gp/book/9789400758834
Sigurðardóttir, I. (2013). Of horses, tourism and lifestyle entrepreneurship in Iceland; business development in equestrian tourism. 22nd Nordic Academy of Management Conference. Conference Proceedings. 19 p.
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Sigurðardóttir, I. (2012). Identifying the success criteria of the Icelandic horse based tourism. Equi-meeting Tourisme. Saumur: les Haras nationaux, Ecole Nationale d’equitation, University of Angers, UFR Ingenierie, pp. 139-142.
Burns, G. L. (2011). Book review of tourism and national parks: International perspectives on development, histories and change. Annals of Leisure Tourism, 14(4), 395-396.
Burns, G. L. (2011). Book teview of the gramed world: Tourism, tourists and photography. Anthropological Forum, 21(1), 83-83.
Burns, G. L., Macbeth, J. and Moore, S. (2011). Should dingoes die? Principles for engaging ecocentric ethics in wildlife tourism management. Journal of Ecotourism, 10(3), 179-196.
Gunnarsdóttir, G. Þ. (2011). Reflecting images: The front page of Icelandic tourism brochures. In S. Ísleifsson & D. Chartier (eds), Iceland and images of the North. Reykjavíkur Akademía og Presses de l´Université du Québec. http://www.akademia.is/component/content/article/13-almennar-frettir/470-iceland-and-images-of-the-north
Helgadóttir, G. (2011). Issues in Cultural Tourism Studies 2nd edition by Melanie K. Smith. Journal of Tourism History, 3(3), 339-340.
Helgadóttir, G. (2011). Nation in a sheep´s coat: The Icelandic sweater FORMakademisk,4 (2), 59-68.
Jóhannesson, G. Þ., Lund, K. A and Gunnarsdóttir, G. Þ. (2011). Sköpun áfangastaðar (e. The making of a destination). In Ingjaldur Hannibalsson (Ed), Conference proceedings from the Annual Social Science Research Conference XII: Viðskiptafræðideild, pp. 132-139. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/1946/10259
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Sigurðardóttir, I. and Steinþórsson, R. S. (2011). Entrepreneurs or not: how do operators for small horse based industries in Iceland define themselves? Conference proceedings from The 21st Nordic Academy of Management 2011. 14 p.
Sigurðardóttir, I. (2011). Economic importance of the horse industry in northwest Iceland: A case in point. Second International Conference for PhD candidates, Bulgaria: South-West University “Neofit Rilsky”, Faculty of Economics, pp 113-117.
Sigurðardóttir, I. (2011). Framleiðnihugtakið; þekking og viðhorf stjórnenda í íslenskum afþreyingarfyrirtækjum (e. Productivity in leisure businesses; operator’s knowledge and approach). In A. Hermannsdóttir, J. S. Snorrason, & Þ. Christiansen (eds.), Vorráðstefna Viðskiptafræðistofnunar Háskóla Íslands 2011, ráðstefnurit. (peer reviewed), pp. 129-139. ISBN 978-9979-9933-2-2.
Sigurðardóttir, I. (2011). Hestamennska sem atvinnugrein á Norðurlandi vestra (e. The horse industry in North West of Iceland). In Kristinsdóttir, Á. (ed.), Fræðaþing landbúnaðarins 2011. Reykjavík, pp. 84-90.
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Burns, G.L. (2009). Managing wildlife for people or people for wildlife? A case study of Dingoes and tourism on Fraser Island, Queensland, Australia. In J. Hill & T Gale (eds), Ecotourism and Environmental Sustainability: Principles and Practice. Ashgate Publications. pp 139-155.
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