Hólafólk með erindi á Norðurslóðaráðstefnunni 2024 í Bodø (Bádáddjo, Buvvda)

Laufey Haraldsdóttir lektor við ferðamáladeild
Laufey Haraldsdóttir lektor við ferðamáladeild

Dagana 29 maí - 3 júní fór fram í Bodø í Noregi stór Norðurslóðaráðstefna (Arctic Congress 2024 Bodø). Fyrir ráðstefnunni stóðu Háskóli Norðuslóða (e. University of the Arctic), Alþjóðleg samtök um félagsvísindaransóknir á Norðurslóðum (IASSA) og Samráðsvettvangur Hánorðurs (e. High North Dialogue). Gestgjafar í Bodø voru Rannsóknarmiðstöð Norland fylkis og Nord háskólinn í Norland.

Markmið ráðstefnunnar er eðli málsins samkvæmt málefni Norðurslóða og voru lykilefni hennar; hafið, loftslag og umhverfi, sjálfbær þróun, og fólk á Norðurslóðum. Mikil áhersla var á réttindi og samfélög frumbyggja í Norðri, enda ráðstefnan haldin á landi norrænna Sama.

Á ráðstefnunni fóru fram fyrirlestrar í 130 málstofum, auk pallborðsumræðna. Um 1000 manns; sérfræðingar, stjórnmálafólk og nemendur, tóku þátt. Þar fóru einnig fram menningar og útivistartengdir viðburðir, auk þess sem tækifæri veittust til þess að skapa samvinnu- og rannsóknartengsl.

Hólafólk lét sig ekki vanta og fluttu tveir sérfræðingar úr ferðamáladeild erindi á ráðstefnunni; Deisi Trindade Maricato, stundakennari við ferðamáladeild HH og doktorsnemi við Menntavísindasvið HÍ flutti erindið „The Handbook of Nature Activities: Engaging Discovery, Inclusion, Play and Learning in Connection with the Arctic Nature as Education Tool“. Laufey Haraldsdóttir lektor við ferðamáladeild flutti erindið „Icelandic Sub-island Communities and Tourism: the case of Grímsey and Hrísey.“ Auk þess sat Laufey samráðsfund (e. Uarctic Assembly) aðildarstofnana Háskóla Norðursins sem fulltrúi Háskólans á Hólum.


Researchers from Hólar University presented at the Arctic Congress 2024 in Bodø (Bádáddjo, Buvvda), Norway From May 29 to June 3, the Arctic Congress 2024 (Arctic Congress 2024 Bodø) took place in Bodø, Norway. The conference was organized by the University of the Arctic, the International Arctic Social Sciences Association (IASSA), and the High North Dialogue. Hosts in Bodø were the Nordland Research Institute and Nord University.

The main focus of the conference was, naturally, Arctic issues, and its key themes included the ocean, climate and environment, sustainable development, and people in the Arctic. There was a strong emphasis on the rights and communities of Indigenous peoples in the North, as the conference was held on Sámi land.

The conference featured lectures in 130 parallel sessions and Plenary sessions. About 1,000 people, including experts, politicians, and students, participated. There were also cultural and outdoor events and opportunities to establish collaborative and research connections.

Representatives from Hólar University were present, and two experts from the tourism department delivered presentations at the conference. Deisi Trindade Maricato, an adjunct instructor in the tourism department at Hólar University and a doctoral student in the School of

Education at the University of Iceland, delivered the presentation “The Handbook of Nature Activities: Engaging Discovery, Inclusion, Play, and Learning in Connection with the Arctic Nature as an Education Tool.” Laufey Haraldsdóttir, a lecturer in the tourism department, presented “Icelandic Sub-island Communities and Tourism: The Case of Grímsey and Hrísey.” Additionally, Laufey attended the University of the Arctic Assembly meeting as a representative of Hólar University.