Exciting news for Hólar University

Exciting news for Hólar University: The project „Nám í lagareldi“ (Education in Aquaculture) was funded with 65 million ISK and will be led by professor Bjarni Kristjánsson from the Fish Biology and Aquaculture department of Hólar University. The project is a collaboration between the University of Iceland, University of Akureyri, the University Center of the Westfjords, the Agriculturural University of Iceland, Matís ohf, the Icelandic Marine and Freshwater Institute and the Icelandic Museum of Natural History.

The goal of the project is to improve the education in aquaculture even more with: A-build up and teach an aquaculture course at the Master level, B- to create a microcredit course at the undergraduate and graduate level and C- to create and improve the teaching material for distance education learning.

Additionally, the University of Hólar is part of 3 more projects within the Samstarf Háskóla fund:

Alþjóðlegt dýralæknanám (LBHÍ, HÍ, HH) – 22 m.kr.

Háskólasamstæða HÍ og Hóla (HÍ, HH) – 170 m.kr.

Framhaldsnám og rannsóknainnviðir í lífvísindum (HÍ, HR, LBHÍ, HH, HA) – 43,5 m.kr.

More information on the fund and the different projects can be found: https://www.stjornarradid.is/efst-a-baugi/frettir/stok-frett/2024/12/16/Nitjan-verkefni-hljota-studning-ur-thridja-Samstarfi-haskola/